July 26, in the field of KSUP «Druzhba-Agro» the congratulation of the combine harvester operator Alexander Nikolaevich Moroz and his assistant Alexander Valerievich Yurkovsky took place, They were the first in the region on July 25 harvested 1000 tons of grain on «Lexion-560» combine harvester.
First Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Sergei Ivanovich Dubovy, Chairman of the District Association of Trade Unions Vladimir Vladimirovich Chishchenya and Chairman of the Trade Union of the Agricultural Industry Alexander Nikolaevich Zinchenko presented diplomas, cash gifts, T-shirts and caps with the attributes of the trade union to the heroes of the harvest. The folk song ensemble of the Vasilevychsky folk song «Zhivitsa» prepared for the heroes of the harvest a small concert that took place near the site where the crew was working.
Alina Chernysh.