A thousand Orthodox family gathered in the Holy-Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery on May 20 to celebrate the day of the miraculous advent of Zhirovichi Icon of Divine Mother.
The Celebrations began with the Divine Liturgy, led by the Patriarchal Exarch of the Belarus, Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Zaslavl .
After the liturgy, the procession went to the Yavlenskaya Church, where the prayer with the akathist to Zhirovichi Icon of Divine Mother was served.
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Regional Executive Committee the Commissioner for Religions and Ethnicities Leonid Pavlovich Gulyako and the vice-chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee Victor Andreevich Liskovich congratulated had gathered there people.
Then, numerous participants of the Celebrations gathered near the Ancient Spring. Here in the open air on the stage-ship took place the festival «Zhirovich Fest», which was performed by more than 20 participants from different regions of the country, including the National Academic Folk Choir of the Republic of Belarus of G.I. Cytowicz.
The host of the event was the journalist of the ONT channel Oleg Lepeshenkov.